Carta desde Europa: El belicismo suicida de las democracias autoritarias occidentales

El Salto, 19 de febrero, 2023

Esta entrevista a Wolfgang Streeck se ha publicado originalmente en la revista croata Novosti Hoboctn y se reproduce aquí con permiso de su autor y de la publicación.

En tus artículos escribes sobre la “post-Zeitenwende Deutschland”, esto es, a la nueva situación creada en Alemania tras el punto de inflexión que ha supuesto el discurso pronunciado por el canciller Olaf Scholz ante el Bundestag el 27 de febrero de 2022, poco después del estallido de la guerra en Ucrania, sobre la política exterior, de defensa y de seguridad alemana. ¿Puedes explicar qué significará este “punto de inflexión” para Alemania y Europa durante los próximos años y cómo se relaciona la misma con la creciente americanización de la política, la ideología y la cultura alemanas? (…)

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English version:
Wolfgang Streeck – Virtuous Germany

Brave New Europe, February 20, 2023.

Germany’s political elite has subordinated itself to US geopolitical strategy. Why and how explains Wolfgang Streeck in this interview.

1. In your articles you write about the “post-Zeitenwende Germany”, referring to the content of Chancellor Scholz’s speech in the Bundestag on the eve of the war in Ukraine. Can you explain what this “turning point” means for German foreign and defence policies in the years to come and also for Europe, and how is this linked to the increasing Americanisation of German politics, ideology and culture? (A telling quote of yours says: “Seen this way, the fact that the special €100 billion defence budget announced by the German government three days into the war will have its first effects on the ground only in five years’ time does not mean that it is wasted; it only means that it has nothing to do with the Ukrainian war as such”.) (…)

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Hrvatska verzija:
Njemačka se ponaša kao država u ratu

Novosti Hoboctn, 23. siječnja 2023.

Vlada priprema mehanizme koje će okrenuti protiv svakoga tko se usudi posumnjati u mudrost pružanja bezuvjetne podrške ultranacionalističkom režimu u Ukrajini i Bidenovoj administraciji. Svakoga tko ponašanje Putinovog režima pokuša objasniti na način koji ne uključuje kliničko ludilo ili genocidne opsesije proglašava se putinovcem, rekao je njemački sociolog i počasni direktor Instituta za studije društva Max Planck u Kölnu.

Na početku rata u Ukrajini njemački kancelar Olaf Scholz održao je svoj čuveni „Zeitenwende“ govor u kojemu objašnjava zašto taj rat predstavlja „povijesnu prekretnicu“ za Njemačku. Što to znači za njemačku vanjsku i obrambenu politiku? (…)

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